Page 8 - HIWT Summer 2011 World of Welding
P. 8
(Continued from page 5)
In the summer of 2009, I started to work about eight hours a Within a few short weeks of completing my Hobart training,
week with a family friend on learning how to weld. The owner I began to work for GKN Aerospace in El Cajon, CA. My
of Northstar Propeller in San Diego, CA, Herman Sledge has current task is GTAW welding titanium turbine blades in
been welding most of his life and he took me under his wing to aviation repair. In the near future, it looks like I may have
teach me basics in SMAW and OAW. With months of working the opportunity to start training in electron beam welding.
on little projects and time devoted to burning up filler metal, Before HIWT, I had never once held a TIG torch, let alone
I finally came home one evening to my dad who had spent struck an arc with one. If that’s not great instruction...I really
the day researching welding schools across the country. For don’t know what is. The only advice that I can offer to any
a number of reasons, we first investigated options that would prospective students is to LISTEN and make the best of your
keep me reasonably close to home. However, my father came time in the booth and under your hood. It is truly is amazing
to me one night with a package of information on HIWT, how far you can go with just 36 weeks of solid practice.
asked me to look through it carefully, and if I decided that I
wanted to go, he would send me. In summation, that is the abridged version of the chain of
events that led me to HIWT and trained me for a career in
It was the opportunity of a lifetime and I would have been a welding!
fool to turn down such an amazingly gracious offer. We made
the call, processed the information, and I was on my way in When I am not welding, I enjoy the outdoors, with a particular
less than 4 weeks. My father and Herman were my greatest interest in hunting and shooting sports. I have been hunting
supporters in my decision to go to HIWT, but I also had the since the age of nine and I competed in trap shooting at the
support of my other family members and my closest friends to state and national levels for six years. Though my competitive
make the choice that much easier. In addition, Janet, Sally and days are over, I still enjoy going out and shooting clay targets
Jennifer (at Hobart) were very easy to talk with and made the at any opportunity, and I also love to hunt whenever I can.
transition from California to Ohio as easy as possible. Their
help was much appreciated! With my years in the shooting sports, I also have started to get
into some amateur gunsmithing and refinishing (also taught
I only made one promise to everyone at home before I left by Herman Sledge). I found my interests were well suited
for Ohio, and it was simply that I would try my best each and to life in Ohio. Hunting is abundant there and Clark County
every day. I do not believe that I came to the school with a Sportsman’s Club is not far away, offering all the clay target
natural aptitude or any talent in welding, and to me, that is a shooting I could ever want!
testament to how great all my instructors are.
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