Page 4 - HIWT Summer 2012 World of Welding
P. 4

THE WORLD OF WELDING                                                                

            A POSTAL GALLERY                   (Continued from page 3)  As one of the world’s largest producer of natural  gas and
                                                               crude oil, Canada,  has a thriving  oil and gas industry that
            After the Soviet Union was dissolved, the relationship between  contributes  enormously  to  the  country’s healthy  balance  of
            the  USA and Russia improved  and both nations  started  to  trade. In May of 2008, the Canada Post Office issued a set
            cooperate in a space program.   In 1985, Cosmonaut Svetlana  of two 52-cent stamps to celebrate two landmark events in
            Savitskaya and her team were honored on a postage stamp for  Canada’s economic history: the country’s  first commercial oil
            conducting  electron beam  welding experiments  in space  well pioneered by Charles Tripp and James Miller in 1858;
            in  1984.  In 1993,  pilot  Brian  Duffy aboard  Space  Shuttle  and the first transcontinental pipeline built during the 1950’s
            Endeavor soldered 46 connections on a printed circuit board.  by Trans Canada Pipe Lines Ltd.  Tim Nokes, an artist based
                                                               in Banff, Alberta, designed both stamps.
                                                               “For the pipeline  stamp, I created  an image  of a single,
                                                               anonymous  welder  to  represent  the  thousands of men  and
                                                  USSR 1985    women who worked on the project” says Nokes. “To add a
                                                               festive touch, I had the welding sparks transform themselves
                                                               into confetti.”

                             Ukraine 2006

                                                                                   Canada 2008

                                                               Many  countries  are  depicting  a  welder  at  work or  related
                                                               industries or important events.  Here is just a small sampling
                                                               of these miniature pieces of art.

            When welding robots started to become  popular, several
            countries  found it appropriate to honor this substantial
            productivity improvement for the benefit of society at large by
            issuing a postage stamp with related artwork. Here are stamps
            from Sweden, Germany and Malaysia.

                                                                                                           China 1993
                                                                        China 1965

                                             Germany (GDR) 1987
                  Sweden 1984

                                                                          Oshaka Pillar                Indonesia
                                                                            India 1957

                               Malaysia 1986                                                                                                (Continued on page 5)

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