Page 5 - HIWT Summer 2012 World of Welding
P. 5                                       HOBART INSTITUTE OF WELDING TECHNOLOGY

            A POSTAL GALLERY                   (Continued from page 4)

                                                                                  Norway 1993
                 Japan 1949


                                                                                                        Finland 1968
                            Hungary 1955

                                                       Israel 1975

                                                   Poland 1956

            In comparison to the hundred thousands of pictorial stamps
            issued worldwide by postal services, only a “handful” feature
            subjects that  deal with welding. Nevertheless, though they
            are few in number, these stamps do highlight the fact that
            countries, including ones as large and important in the world
            economy as Canada, China, India, Russia, Indonesia or Japan
            consider the welder’s occupation important enough to honor
            it  with  a  special  postage  stamp.  It  elevates  the  profession
            and adds to the image of welding. In searching the various
            stamp catalogs we have not yet  been able to find a US postage
            stamp depicting welding.  We would appreciate to hear from
            our readers who have found  such stamps.  An e-mail may be
            sent to along with a scanned copy of the
            stamp.  Or you may send a photocopy of the stamp along with
            your contact information to me at Hobart Institute of Welding
            Technology, 400 Trade Square East, Troy, OH  45373

            Engineering News Record,  9/22/2011.  “Welding technology
            illustrated on postage stamps,” by Karel Smrcka.
            Svetsaren, No. 1, 2004.  “Welding history in postage stamps of
            the USSR,” by  A.N. Kornienko
            “Postage Stamps: Metallurgy, Art, History ,” by Fathi Habashi
            “Welding: A journey to explore its past,” by Andre A. Odermatt
            Hobart Weldworld, AWN-194 -  1973

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