Page 6 - HIWT Summer 2012 World of Welding
P. 6

THE WORLD OF WELDING                                                                


            The SkillsUSA welding contest was held at HIWT on Saturday,
            March 3.  The event has been held at the Institute for many
            years and it was once again well attended and well executed.

            Vocational  students from the region participated  in the
            competition while their parents and welding instructors took
            time to tour the Institute and the Hobart Gallery of Welding
            History and shop in the bookstore.   A number of other
            vocational school students arrived throughout the day to lend
            support to their  classmates  who were participating  in the

            Winners of the day included Casey Theobald of Butler Tech
            in first place, Wesley Hart of Miami Valley Career Technology   SkillsUSA top four with instructor
            Center  in  second  place,  and  Tyler  Fields  of  Springfield
            Clarke  County CTC.  Josh Monroe of Laurel  Oaks Career   The  event  was coordinated  by  Hobart  Institute  Technical
            Development Campus was named alternate.            Instructor Russ Shurtz, working with contest  administrator
                                                               Matt Lindley of Greene County Career Center.   Welding
            The students were evaluated on their abilities in oxyacetylene   instructors Chuck Ford, Charlie Carpenter, and Jon Brittingham
            cutting, flux cored arc welding, shielded metal arc welding,   of Hobart Institute, Larry Youngblood of Miami Valley Career
            and gas metal arc welding.  At the end of the day, four students   Technology Center, along with three HIWT students, Marissa
            were judged to be the top contestants.  The fourth place winner   Becksteadt, Mark Dougherty, and Brian Knight assisted with
            A Hobart 1_2 page ad.qxd:ITW Companies  9/9/09  8:58 AM  Page 1
            does not compete  on the state level  unless an alternate  is   judging.
            needed to fill a position.

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