Page 7 - HIWT Summer 2012 World of Welding
P. 7                                       HOBART INSTITUTE OF WELDING TECHNOLOGY


                                Ethan Merten                                        Kurt Scaggs

            Two recent honors graduates from Hobart Institute have  you to get out of your comfort zone and do things you’re not
            joined the ranks of the United Association of Plumbers and  used to doing. For example I was not able to weld with my left
            Pipefitters  Local  10  of  Roanoke,  Virginia.    Ethan  Merten  hand before I came here and now know my left hand is just
            of Hart, Michigan and Kurt Scaggs of Knotts Island, North  as good, if not better, than my right hand.  Education is a key
            Carolina, have recently been assigned to work on a welding  thing in every job.  Without it, we would be lost.”
            project at a nuclear power plant.
                                                               Kurt added, “I think the instructors gave me the most help
            Both  men completed  the  Combination  Structural  and Pipe  with this.  They gave me an insight about real-life welding
            Welding  Program  with AWS  and ASME  certification  along  experiences and that information is invaluable.  Being more
            with  perfect  attendance  and  high  honors.   Ethan  holds  an  prepared for what is actually going to happen to me in the field
            Associate Degree in Welding from West Shore Community  will take me far.”
            College and is a graduate of Hart High School and the Mason
            Lake ISD Tech Prep program in welding.   Kurt is a graduate  “My father had a great deal to do with my decision to join
            of Curituck County High School.                    the United Association of Plumbers and Pipefitters Local 10,”
                                                               said Kurt.  The United Association of Plumbers and Pipefitters
            “Hobart  Institute  is a good hands-on welding  school.  The  provides employees with additional training and a competitive
            teachers are phenomenal at what they do and are more than  salary and benefits.
            willing to help any student that asks for it,” says Ethan.

            “It  took  the  skills  that  I  already  acquired  other  places  and  Ethan said, “I chose to apply to the UA because of the sense of
            improved them immensely. If I had to do it all over again, I  an adventure…seeing new things and doing what I love to do
            would choose Hobart over any other school.”        and that is to weld.”

            Kurt agrees, “I thought it was a great place to start my welding  When he is not welding, Ethan’s favorite thing to do is make
            education  and it gave me a good background from which  maple syrup during the month of March.
            to build my future.  Overall, it was a great experience that I
            would do again if I had to make that decision.”    “Nothing in life  will ever beat  the smell  of sugar coming
                                                               off that  front pan as you are  boiling  the  sap down,” Ethan
            “I came down to Hobart to learn how to ‘walk the cup’ on  commented.
            pipe,” Ethan continued.  “I was able to practice the 6G on
            6-inch,  2-inch and also 2-inch double extra  heavy pipe.  I  Kurt enjoys surfing, hunting, fishing and spending time with
            anticipate this will help me out with TIG pipe, which will only  friends and family.
            get me further in my  welding  career.  The  teachers  also  push

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