Page 13 - HIWT Spring 2016 World of Welding
P. 13
More Than Just Striking An Arc
By Luke Comstock
Striking an arc is the basis of what welding is. There is much more When I first started out, I saw how creative and beautiful welding
to welding than it seems. was. Learning how to weld gave me the opportunity to create
whatever I dreamed of. For example three builders and I were put
In my 3 years of welding experience, welding has transformed my up to the task of creating a sculpture for auction to benefit for
life as I am sure it has transformed others. It all started in my career United Way and we decided to create a Bengal tiger. The process
center back in western New York, where I first began learning and of creating and welding the tiger together showed me the endless
burning! As I first started developing my skills, I really had grown a possibilities that can be made with welding.
liking to the possibilities and opportunities welding could give me.
I was persuaded with the amount of money I could make if I played After graduating from high school welding program, I made
my cards right, but there were other attributes of welding that the decision with the guidance of the welding instructor, Ollie
caught my eye. For instance, the difficulty and learning curve that Olson to attend the Hobart Institute of Welding Technology. I’m
comes along with the trade as well as the strenuous nature and currently in the 9 month program. HIWT has showed me how much
hard work that is demanded. I have much satisfaction knowing that personal responsibility and industry expectations are going to be
not everyone can endure what a welder endures. Welders show like. Learning from all of the instructors here has amplified that
much pride in their work and a willingness to better each other and welding is more than just striking an arc. As I continue my welding
the trade. Those aspects really drew me towards being a welder. education I will be grateful for what welding has done for me and
how it will affect my future.