Page 15 - HIWT Summer 2012 World of Welding
Each year for the past several years, Assabet Valley Regional minds that the
Technical High School students have volunteered their time opportunity exists
to host a metalworking program for New England Boy Scout for them to consider
troops to earn a badge. This year, however, the Welding Merit a vocational school
Badge became “official” as the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) welding program
collaborated with the American Welding Society (AWS), BSA for their high school
Health and Safety Committee, and the national Occupational education, continuing
Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to create the to complete a four-year
welding merit badge, which is now available to Boy Scouts certificate in welding,
nationwide. The badge will enable Scouts to learn hands-on and pursue advanced
how to join metals using welding techniques. A current BSA training or enter into
youth interest survey identified the need for adding a welding tomorrow’s work force
merit badge to the more than 120 merit badges currently in using welding as a
the series. gainful employment.”
On a February holiday from school, twelve Assabet Valley “By the end of the decade, it is estimated there will be a critical
students showed up at 7:00 a.m. and worked until 5:00 p.m. need for over 200,000 new and replacement welders in the
teaching Boy Scouts of America Troop 151 from West United States,” said David Landon, vice president, American
Boylston , Massachusetts how to be safe in a metal shop; how Welding Society. “The future of the welding industry depends
to operate an oxyacetylene torch which included gas welding upon preparing the next generation and that’s why AWS is
joints; how to cut ½-inch plate using an oxyacetylene cutting really excited to work with the Boy Scouts of America. The
Celebrating 50 years of service to
torch; how to set up a gas metal arc welding machine to produce Boy Scouts of America possess the leadership and values
Industry providing Tooling, Machining
the five basic welding joints; how to use the proper personal necessary to advance the productivity of the welding industry.”
and Special Systems.
protection gear while working in a welding shop; and how
1040 S. Dorset, Troy Ohio 45373 Ph: 937-440-2500 Fax: 937-440-2551
to develop basic knowledge of common electrodes. Scouts “I would encourage all Scouts to be adventurous, try something
were also taught basic identification of metals. The high new, learn how you can make a connection by using your mind
school students also explained the careers and employment
opportunities that are available in welding. (Continued on page 16)
“Welding is such an important
part of our nation’s growth
and stability,” said Janice
Downey, senior innovation
manager, Boy Scouts of
America. “The welding
merit badge is a good fit with
preparing Scouts for their
future and offers them a fun
way to explore skills that
can grow into a hobby or
career. Their new skill may
even be helpful for making
or repairing items for their
Assabet Instructor Neil Celebrating 50 years of service to Industry
Mansfield explained, “The
program creates interest and providing Tooling, Machining and Special Systems.
plants the seed in these young 1040 S. Dorset, Troy, Ohio 45373 Ph: 937-440-2500 Fax: 937-440-2551