Page 7 - HIWT Winter 2012 World of Welding
P. 7                                       HOBART INSTITUTE OF WELDING TECHNOLOGY

            asK tHe reCruiter: seleCting referenCes

            Anne Kutscher,                                     know you well  enough  be  able to  answer tough  questions
            SPHR                                               honestly while making you look like someone the employer
            Recruiter, Cianbro                                 wants to hire.
                                                               It is best to let your references know that you are looking to
                                                               them to let a future employer know what kind of worker you
            I don’t know who to                                are.  Just because you enjoyed working for a former supervisor
            list as a reference?                               does not mean that the former supervisor felt the same way.
            How do I decide who                                You should have a brief conversation with your reference to let
            makes the cut?                                     them know that you would like to give their name out and ask
                                                               them a few questions about how you worked for them.  This
            One of the most                                    will give you an idea of what they will tell the future employer
            important  parts  of                               and will also get them thinking about your positive attributes
            the entire interview                               so they are better prepared for the call.  Also let them know
            process  is  one  that                             your career goals and update them on what you’ve been doing.
            is often overlooked                                This will help your reference to be able to show your future
            by   candidates...the                              employer how their goals and your goals synch.  Providing
            reference  check.    Most  people  are  not  sure  who  to  list  so  a copy of the job description you applied for is beneficial to
            they  will  give  out  personal  references,  former  co-workers,  the reference as well so they can speak to what you did for
            family members, landlords and the list of mediocre or terrible  them that is similar to what you will be doing for your new
            references goes on.  Choosing who is going to tell your future  employer.
            employer about your past employment is critical.  I cannot
            tell you how many times I have come across what I thought  When giving out individuals to act as references, be sure that
            was a winner of a candidate only to learn the true story about  they  can  be  contacted.    Recruiters  often  find  it  frustrating
            what that person is like on the job by a reference who was not  to  be  stymied  by  the  inability  to  connect  with  references.
            prepared or did not have a high opinion of the candidate.    Inability to connect with your references can slow down your
                                                               or completely stop any offer of employment.  You will want
            As  a  candidate  you  want  to  give  out  the  names  of  people  to include the reference’s name, job title, relationship to you
            who will give you a glowing reference.  As an employer I am  (direct supervisor, co-worker, etc.), company name, address,
            looking for someone who is going to give me a realistic idea of  phone, e-mail and potentially an alternate phone number.  Your
            your abilities to perform the work, show up on time and work  best reference in the world is useless if they cannot be reached.
            safely.  Typically, one does not get this information from any of  With key references lined up and updated contact information
            the aforementioned references.  Landlords want the candidate  you should find the final hiring hurdle easily surpassed and
            to be working so they can get their rent.  Can a landlord tell  see a job offer rounding the corner.  Do  not let any of the
            me if you show up to work on time?  No.  Family members  aforementioned roadblocks keep you from getting the next job
            want to see you succeed and feel uncomfortable about giving  offer!
            a negative reference about their brother, sister, cousin, son,
            daughter.  Providing only personal references will put a pall
            on  the  information  gleaned  from  them.    It  is  important  to
            provide your future employer with the type of reference they   Anne Kutscher is a Recruiter at  Cianbro, a heavy civil and
            are looking for and also provide them with someone who is   industrial  construction  company  in the Northeast.   She
                                                               works out of their Southern New England Regional office in
            going to make you look good.
                                                               Bloomfield,  Connecticut  hiring  individuals  to  work  on  any
                                                               number of projects in fifteen states.  You can reach her at 860-
            As you begin your job search you should look at your former   761-6267;;
            supervisors and co-workers to try and determine who would be
            willing and able to answer some tough questions.  References
            need to be able to clearly articulate your strengths, areas of  Students and graduates looking to submit a question should
            expertise and even areas for improvement.  They should want  contact Anne directly or contact  Marty Baker,  Editor of  The
            to see you succeed.  References also need to know if you show   World of Welding, at or (937) 332-
            up to work on time, if you’ve been involved in any disciplinary   5603.
            issues and whether you are a productive worker.  They should

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