Page 12 - HIWT Winter 2012 World of Welding
P. 12

THE WORLD OF WELDING                                                                

            bug-o donates Modular driVe eQuipMent to

            Hobart institute of Welding teCHnology

            A  new  piece  of  automated
            welding   equipment   that
            will   enhance    training
            demonstrations  at  Hobart
            Institute  of     Welding
            Technology was donated this
            past  summer  by  Bug-O®
            Systems,  Inc.  of  Canonsburg,
            Pennsylvania.  Jeff  Nelson,
            Welding  Engineer at Bug-O
            Systems  coordinated  the

            The Modular Drive System
            is a machine  that allows the
            operator  to  custom  configure
            one machine  for various
            applications  and  runs  on
            standard Bug-O Systems Rail.     HIWT Instructors Elmer Swank, Russ Shurtz, Bug-O Representative Mark Campbell, HIWT Instructor
            The modular design allows   Tom Sumerix, Bug-O Representative Dave Campbell, HIWT Instructors Nelson Morales and Chuck Ford
            the user to quickly reconfigure
            the unit for straight line cutting or welding, stitch welding or  “Hobart Institute accepts this donation with gratitude,” said
            weave welding, all with the same machine.          Scott  Mazzulla,  Director  of  Planning  and  Development.
                                                               “Knowing that it will be of value to our students to become
            A control module plugs onto the top of the Master Drive Unit  acquainted  with  mechanized  equipment  is  definitely  an
            and operates various machine functions.  At the heart of the  advantage for them.”
            Modular Drive System is the master drive unit which houses
            the motor, speed control board, power supply, and clutch, that  The  new  equipment  will  benefit  students  in  the  skill  and
            allows  rapid  manual  positioning  of  the  carriage  anywhere  technical courses.
            along the track.
                                                               “The equipment will allow the students to become familiar
            The weaver control module operates the pendulum or linear  with  basic  automation  that  they  may  encounter  in  their
            weaver, and the master drive unit. The control module features  careers,” said Tom Sumerix, HIWT Welding Instructor.
            include  a  digital  readout  and  control  knob  for  longitudinal
            travel  speed;  a  switch  for  Forward/Stop/Reverse  tractor  “Bug-O Systems is very pleased to have the opportunity to
            control;  an  amplitude  knob  to  set  weave  width  from  1/8”-  donate  equipment  to  such  a  valuable  educational  resource
            2”  (3-50  mm);  weave  speed  control  up  to  100  in/min  (254  as  the  Hobart  Institute,”  said  Jeff  Nelson.    “We  here  at
            cm/min); controls for left and right dwell; a knob to control  Bug-O recognize the long term value of getting our welding
            steering up to 2” (50 mm), either side of center; weld contact;  automation equipment in the hands of young welders during
            and a power On/Off switch. One of four weld patterns can  their training.  It’s all about giving back to an industry that
            be chosen using the mode selector switch.  Precision controls  many  of us have  chosen for our career.    We feel  sharing
            provide optimum weld results.                      our knowledge, products and technology is one way to give
                                                               back  and  provide  an  institution  like  the  Hobart  Institute  a
            Mark  Campbell  and  Dave  Campbell,  representatives  for  technologically  superior  environment  in  which  to  train  the
            Bug-O Systems Weld Tooling Corporation were on hand to  welding professionals of tomorrow.”
            explain the operation to Hobart Institute’s technical instructor
            staff including Elmer Swank, Chuck Ford, Tom Sumerix, Russ  For additional information about Hobart Institute, please
            Shurtz, and Nelson Morales.                        visit    To  learn more about Bug-O
                                                               Modular Drive Systems, please see

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