Page 11 - HIWT Winter 2012 World of Welding
P. 11                                       HOBART INSTITUTE OF WELDING TECHNOLOGY

            Hobart  institute  naMed Military                         Downtime
            friendly sCHool for 2012

                                                                      is the
            (Continued from page 10)

            “On behalf of the 8 million military members and veterans   enemy.
            seeking a school, I thank you for your commitment to educating
            our nation’s most deserving heroes,” Rich continued.
                                                                      With our exceptional service
            Now  in  its  fourth  year,  the  2013  list  of  Military  Friendly   and support by your side,
            Schools®  was  compiled  through  extensive  research  and  a   productivity will reign.
            data-driven survey of more than 12,000 VA-approved schools
            nationwide. The survey tabulation process, methodology and
            weightings  that  comprise  the  2013  list  were  independently
            verified by Ernst and Young LLP.   Each year schools taking
            the survey are held to a higher standard than the previous year
            via improved methodology, criteria and weightings developed
            with the assistance of an Academic Advisory Board (AAB)
            consisting of educators from schools across the country.

            The  Hobart  Institute,  which  has  accepted  students  under
            the  G.I.  Bill  since  1950,  is  a  nonprofit  educational  facility
            best-known for its hands-on skill training programs and for
            offering technical training.   From its website, Hobart Institute
            offers  online  courses  in  Visual  Inspection  and  Welding
            Symbols with additional offerings under development.  The
            Institute also assists companies and individuals with welder
            certification  and  qualification  and  customized  in-plant  and
            specialized  training.    Many  vocational  schools,  colleges,
            and military training facilities prefer to purchase the Hobart
            Institute’s welding training materials including DVDs, student
            workbooks, and instructor guides.

            To  help  finance  your  education,  the  Institute  works  with
            federal  grant  and  loan  programs,  educational  benefits  for
            veterans, and funding for dislocated workers.  Scholarships
            are also available to those who qualify.  Watch our website for
            announcements of new courses and programs.                                       Mike and Susan —
                                                                                             working together for
                                                                                             the greater good
            You are invited to join us on FaceBook and LinkedIN, view
            our    DVD  clips  on YouTube,  or  send  an  e-mail  to  hiwt@  Powerful partners poised to   ]
    to  receive  our  monthly  e-newsletter  or  a  print   [ prove their welding potential!
            subscription to The World of Welding.
            About Victory Media Inc.
            Victory Media is a service-disabled,  veteran-owned  small
            business founded in 2001. Victory’s free, data-driven, Military
            Friendly ® lists can be found at
   and www.militaryfranchising.
            com.  Victory’s  lists  are  also  published  in  G.I.  Jobs,  Military
            Spouse, Vetrepreneur magazines, republished in national and              The Power of Blue ®
            local periodicals and are frequently cited on national and local
            TV stations.

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