Page 13 - HIWT Winter 2012 World of Welding
P. 13                                       HOBART INSTITUTE OF WELDING TECHNOLOGY

            neW lab at ColuMbiana County CtC

            Columbiana County Career and Technical Center in
            Lisbon, Ohio, has kicked off a new school year that
            has been very different from past years.  Students
            were welcomed by a new materials joining lab and
            a completely renovated welding lab with a return
            of machining as part of the program.  This multi-
            million dollar renovation is a long term investment
            in the students and the future of the industries in
            which they will be employed.

            With the addition of the materials joining program,
            the  welding  and  fabrication  program  can  now
            accept  50  students  as opposed to the 25 that could
            previously be accepted.

                                                              New welding and machining lab at Columbiana Co. CTC

              Inspection lab at Columbiana Co. CTC                                          Our international
                                                                                              qualify you to
                                                                                             work worldwide
                                                                                             and year-round.
            This school year, Columbiana County                                                Offshore diving
            Career and  Technical  Center has a                                            opportunities include the
            maximum enrollment of 50 Level 1 high                                           inspection, installation,
            school students, 23 Level 2 high students,                                      and repair of offshore
            and 50 adult education welding students.                                         oil drilling platforms
                                                                                               and pipelines.
            For  the  first  time  in  eight  years,  they
                                                                                             Inland opportunities
            have ten students in an adult education                                         include construction,
            machining class.                                                                repair and inspection
                                                                                           of bridges, water towers,
            Huck Hughes, welding and fabrication                                          nuclear power facilities and
            instructor for the program, said, “We are                                     countless other infrastructure.
            grateful for the community support and of                                       Our graduates are
            those willing to make an investment in the                                       in high demand.
            youth of our industry.”                                                       All training is conducted
                                                                                              in open water.
                                                                                               Financial aid
                                                                                           for those who qualify.
                                                                                           Use your VA benefits
                                                                                                 with us.

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